LEG 3 • Wellington, NZ to South Georgia Island (27 Days – 5400 Miles)
Coordinates: 55°43’2.15″S, 66° 6’59.07″W – Google Maps
Length of sail: 4200 miles
Expected duration of sail: Approximately 21 Days
Goal: Visit and cruise historic Cape Horn and Straights of Magellan. Cape Horn, loved and feared by seamen over the last four hundred years, is the southernmost headland of the Tierra del Fuego archipelago of southern Chile. For many years, before the Panama Canal opened in 1914, it was a major milestone on the clipper route, by which sailing ships carried trade around the world. However, the waters around the Cape are particularly hazardous, owing to strong winds, large waves, strong currents and icebergs; these dangers have made it notorious as a most dangerous place to sail.
#6) Commence onward to the FALKLAND ISLANDS
Striped Carcara
Coordinates: 52°3’59.64″S, 59°55’18.73″W – Google Maps
Length of sail: 400 miles
Expected duration of sail: Approximately 2 Days
Goal: These interesting islands are just east of the southern tip of South America. The Falkland Islands are classified as part of the “mild” Antarctic zone. Land birds make up most of the Falklands’ avifauna, followed by seabirds; a total of 63 species breed on the islands, including 16 endemic species. The Falkland Islands are frequented by marine mammals such as the southern elephant seal and the South American fur seal. Offshore islands house the rare striated caracara.
#7) Commence onward to SOUTH GEORGIA ISLAND
Coordinates: 54°13’1.47″S, 36°31’35.67″W – Google Maps
Download .kmz file & click to open in Google Earth (get plug-in)
Length of sail: 800 miles
Expected duration of sail: Approximately 4 Days
Goal: This historic location was the final rescue place of the Shackleton Expedition when they were trapped on Antarctica through the winter and traveled overland, built a small boat and sailed to South Georgia Island for rescue. This was an amazing story of human endurance. Shackleton is buried on South Georgia Island. PArts of the island are permanently covered in ice, it is a very biodiverse region. We’ll be seeing penguins, petrels, albatrosses, seals and whales.